Saturday, April 7, 2007

And We are Off

A friend happen to notice that the fine folks over at have written an article about . I have to say we were not expecting a response this quickly from others in the community this quickly. We hope that this is the first of many articles "hopefully positive" about . Below is a link to the article as well as a copy of it.

Article :The Portlander

Following the success of online, voted-on news web sites (a la Digg, and Reddit) web-savvy and smart Portland locals have launched, from what I can tell, the first user submitted, Digg like news site just for Portland, OR called The Portlander. Northwest Noise was added to their Portland Podcasts section; so I’m now going to ask you to vote for Northwest Noise, if you like us ;0

I’ve always found local web sites to be really helpful in finding news or interesting discussions that are absent from The Oregonian. Setting aside the tendency for user submitted, social news web sites to be SPAMMED constantly, I feel there’s still something tangible and real about the masses voting on interestingness.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who, What , Where, and Why

ThePortlander, is a web application that allows you to submit an article that will be reviewed by all and will be promoted, based on popularity, to the main page. When a user submits a news article it will be placed in the area until it gains sufficient votes to be promoted to the main page.With all of the access to news all of us have we thought it would be nice to pull all of it into one place where every Portlander can become his or her own journalist. For too long we as Portlanders have had to be subjected to the ramblings of four local news stations, with antique websites which are more Ad than news. Which sadley and archaically report the same thing time after time. The founders felt that when you turn the news on or open the paper you want to read relevent news that means the most to those who its ment for. Make ThePortlander what you want and do everything you can to find and submit news thats not only about our great city but also about our great citizens.